SEC – Oklahoma BPA Mon, 19 Aug 2024 06:23:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /wp-content/uploads/2024/08/cropped-Untitled-design-21-32x32.png SEC – Oklahoma BPA 32 32 Nancy Gilbert /2023/07/08/nancy/ /2023/07/08/nancy/#respond Sat, 08 Jul 2023 03:16:00 +0000 Chapter: Northeast Technology Center – Afton

Advisor: Meredith Simmerly

Why did you join BPA? 

At Northeast Tech, you automatically become a member when you’re a part of a business class. I decided to be as involved as I could be because BPA was everything I was searching for. I saw BPA as the perfect fit for me from the first day my advisor talked to us about it. I saw a way to really challenge myself to experience new things, and explore new opportunities. 

Why did you run for state office?

It’s actually a funny story. One day while I was sitting in class I overheard Dylan talking to our advisor about the application process. When I asked what they were talking about, I told Dylan I thought he’d be perfect for it. In return, he told me that he would run if I did, so I decided to explore that opportunity. I absolutely could not be more grateful. 

What has been your favorite BPA memory so far?

So far, my favorite BPA memory has to be CTU. I felt that the team bonded very well over those few days. We spent a lot of time communicating about our ideas for the future of Oklahoma BPA. Aside from the work, we spent a lot of time getting to know each other. I’m very pleased to be working with such amazing people. 

What are you looking forward to the most as a BPA state officer?

I’m most looking forward to watching our team thrive. We have some pretty amazing ideas between us, and I think we’re going to do some amazing things. I also look forward to watching Oklahoma BPA thrive, and meeting many of our awesome members. 

What do you like to do outside of BPA?

Outside of BPA, I really enjoy spending my time with family and friends. I love to cook and bake for them any chance I get. 

Who inspires you?

I’d have to say my mom inspires me. Through every hardship she has encountered, she has persevered, and found her way through it. She is the strongest person I know. I’ve always aspired to have her strength and willpower. She has worked very hard to support me through everything, and I appreciate her greatly. 

Why is CareerTech education important?

Careertech education is essential for equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge needed for successful careers, supporting economic development, and fostering a more skilled and adaptable workforce.

If you could describe yourself with one word, what would it be?

If I could describe myself with one word, it would be “dedicated.” When I find something I love, such as BPA, I make it my top priority. I put all my effort into all of my endeavors. 

Funniest BPA story?

I think so far my funniest BPA story has to be when we were at nationals. The team and I, and some other OKBPA members, were visiting with the National candidates, and we were so exhausted that we were delirious at the end. We sat there and giggled at the slightest thing. After the meeting was officially over, we started dancing around and cracking jokes. I really cherish this memory. 

Favorite show to binge watch?

Currently my favorite show to binge watch is Stranger Things. 

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Chloe Bell /2023/07/04/chloe/ /2023/07/04/chloe/#respond Tue, 04 Jul 2023 02:50:00 +0000 School: Central Technology Center – Sapulpa

Advisor: Angela Brownfield

The reason I joined BPA because it was already required for our tech class and I ran for office was my advisor came to me and told me about state office, I immediately wanted to do it I heard that there were amazing opportunities for being in office and it would help me even get further into any future career. My favorite BPA memory would have to be CTU with a bunch of state officers from different organizations! I’m looking forward to FLC and getting to meet and network with all of my fellow BPA members. I like to read and play dress to impress on Roblox in my free time. My mom definitely inspires me the most, she works so hard for me and my sister and still manages to always have a good time with us! Career tech is important because it helps students mature and gives them a better idea of what they want to do with their future, career techs also open so many opportunities that you could’ve never even imagined! If I had to describe myself in one word it would definitely be determined because if there’s something I want to achieve I will always give it my all! The funniest BPA story I have is when I got elected for office.. I was so overjoyed and excited to go up there but as I was walking up the stairs I tripped and almost fell. My favorite thing to binge watch embarrassingly enough is definitely and always will be SpongeBob! 

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Dylan Cook /2023/06/19/dylan/ /2023/06/19/dylan/#respond Mon, 19 Jun 2023 19:06:53 +0000 School: Northeast Technology Center – Afton

Advisor: Meredith Simmerly

1.  I joined BPA because my advisor was incredibly passionate about the organization and really projected that enthusiasm onto me. Recognizing my own shortcomings in leadership skills, public speaking, and general anxiety, I saw BPA as the perfect opportunity to push myself out of my comfort zone and improve in these areas.

2.  I decided to run for state office after being inspired by Thomas Branson at the state officer panel during FLC in Norman. His leadership and dedication resonated with me. My primary goal as a state officer is to increase member communication with the state officer team and address issues on a personal level. Initially, I was unsure about applying, but Nancy encouraged me by saying she would do it if I did, which gave me the final push I needed.

3.My favorite BPA memory so far is from the Oklahoma State Leadership Conference (SLC) where I was inducted into this role and made the pledge to serve our community.

4. As a state officer, I am most looking forward to the connections I will make, whether with members or outside sources. I am excited about the memories I will create with my team and the members of BPA. Most importantly, I am eager to fulfill the promises I made to the members of BPA and make a positive impact.

5. Outside of BPA, I am the captain of our high school baseball team, playing shortstop as the only senior. I also enjoy playing video games with my friends and trying to enjoy life as it presents itself.

6.  My grandfather, Clint, inspires me deeply. He drove my passion for CTSOs and opened me up to this world of opportunity. My father, Marty, has played a big role in inspiring me, he’s faced adversities that most cannot claim and emerged as a pillar in my life. Then there’s my mom, she’s the foundation of my moral principles, teaching me so much about the later stages of life. I couldn’t ask for a better group of role models.

7.  Career and Technical Education (CTE) equips students with practical skills and industry-specific training, enhancing their employability and career prospects. It offers a pathway to success aligned with students’ interests and strengths, while also supporting economic development by creating a skilled workforce to meet the needs of local and global industries.

8. If I could describe myself with one word, it would be “reserved.” While I can be diverse and adapt to various situations, I often tend to maintain a reserved demeanor, observing and reflecting before taking action.

9. During nationals in Chicago, my friends and I were in a voting delegate meeting. We were all super tired, and as a result, we were absolutely delirious afterward. We made silly jokes and laughed like we were comedians. Nationals was really the first time our team came together on our own, and it was truly amazing to see us collaborate and make lifelong friends.

10.  My favorite show to binge-watch is “The Office.”

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Rylee Kipf /2023/06/17/rylee/ /2023/06/17/rylee/#respond Sat, 17 Jun 2023 19:12:57 +0000 School: Piedmont High School

Advisor: Mitch Brinley

  1. I joined BPA for experience in the workforce and a place to make friends that were serious about business. 
  2. My advisor greatly encouraged me to run for state office, she saw something in me that I did not see, and pushed me outside of my comfort zones. Now I am so excited to be on the State council because I get to be a part of something greater than myself. 
  3. My favorite BPA memory is definitely campaigning for office, I got to meet so many members there, and I made friends with my fellow candidates. 
  4. I am looking forward to meet new members and learn more about how an organization like this is run. 
  5. Outside of BPA, I love camping, rock climbing, and serving at my church.
  6. My advisor inspires me because she is constantly inspiring those around her to be the best that can be. She encourages me to try my best, and pushes me to try new things. 
  7. Careertech education is important because it allows students to gain real, valuable experience that benefits them in both the long term, and the short term.
  8. Optimistic – word to describe myself
  9. After being elected, at officer training, we were doing a blind maze activity, and watching my team attempt it was definitely one of the funniest things that I have been apart of in BPA.
  10. Drive to Survive – binge show
/2023/06/17/rylee/feed/ 0 120
Ella Thomas /2023/06/14/ella/ /2023/06/14/ella/#respond Wed, 14 Jun 2023 18:52:53 +0000 School: Canadian Valley Technology Center – El Reno

Advisor: Afton Jameson

Why did you join BPA 

  • I joined BPA because I wanted to challenge myself to step out of my comfort zone. I used to do the same thing every day so I was excited to join BPA. 

Why did you run for state office?

  • I ran for state office because my adviser stated I would do amazing things. I put my trust into her and now I couldn’t be happier. 

What has been your favorite BPA memory so far?

  • My favorite BPA memory was most definitely the late nights with the team. We have definitely opened up and learned about each other so now we can have a good time. 

What are you looking forward to the most as a BPA state officer?

  • I’m most looking forward to being able to represent Oklahoma BPA as a whole. Being able to talk to other BPA members through SLC and FLC. 

What do you like to do outside of BPA?

  • I love to be involved theatre. Although it can be a lot, being surrendered by a supportive group has kept the love there. I also love to be involved through my church and being about to show my faith with others. 

Why is Careertech education important?

  • CareerTech education is important to me because I learned more just the education. I have learned both hard and soft skills. 

If you could describe yourself with one word, what would it be?

  • Adaptable 

Funniest BPA story?

  • Doing the stanky leg at 11pm during NLC. 

Favorite show to binge watch?

  • The Vampire diaries!
/2023/06/14/ella/feed/ 0 110
Christian Bochey /2023/06/12/christian/ /2023/06/12/christian/#respond Mon, 12 Jun 2023 19:48:00 +0000 Chapter: Northwest Technology Center – Fairview

Advisor: Amy McClure

  1. By being in my marketing class at my tech center we join BPA automatically, but if I had to choose to join BPA I would join it because of the opportunity to develop my leadership skills and gain practical experience in business.

    2.  I ran for state office because my advisor saw potential in me and encouraged me to take on a leadership role. Her belief in my abilities motivated me to step up and make a difference in BPA. I wanted to use this opportunity to give back to the organization and inspire other members, just as my advisor inspired me.

    3. My favorite BPA memory has been attending the National Leadership Conference. It was incredible to meet members from all over the country and work with my other state officers.

    4. As a BPA state officer, I am most looking forward to working with an amazing team to plan and execute events that will benefit our members. I’m excited to help others develop their skills and to make this year memorable for everyone involved in BPA.

    5. Outside of BPA, I enjoy playing musical instruments and video games. These hobbies allow me to express my creativity and unwind after a busy day.

    6. My advisor inspires me. Her dedication, support, and belief in my potential have been incredibly motivating. She constantly encourages me to push my boundaries and strive for excellence, both within BPA and in my personal growth.

    7.  Careertech education is important because it provides students with practical skills and real-world experience that are essential for success in today’s job market. It bridges the gap between academic learning and professional application, preparing students for a wide range of careers.

    8. Blunt. I value honesty and believe in being straightforward and direct in my communication.

    9. My Funniest BPA moment has to be getting .5’s of my team, it’s hilarious.

    10. My favorite show to binge-watch is “Breaking Bad.” The intense storyline, complex characters, and gripping suspense keep me glued to the screen for hours.
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Charlotte Sipes /2023/06/09/charlotte/ /2023/06/09/charlotte/#respond Fri, 09 Jun 2023 18:43:10 +0000 Chapter: Central Technology Center – Drumright

Advisor: Raylene Kelley

Why did you join BPA?

          I first joined BPA because of my class at Central Tech, Business and Information Technology. During our first class everyone learned what BPA was about and by the end of the month we got to pay our membership dues and join. 

    Why did you run for state office?

            About a week before the deadline for officer applications my advisor at the time, Mrs. Frank, set the application down on my desk. At the time I was the new Parliamentary Procedures Team President in my chapter and a month into being a BPA member. Needless to say, I had no idea what was happening. When Mrs. Frank set the application down, she told me that I would be a great parliamentarian for BPA state office and that she would recommend me if I decided to apply for it. When she told me that, even though I did not feel like I would make the cut, I wanted to at least try for the position. 

      Although when I first joined BPA I thought it was the obvious choice because of the connection to my class and the support and experience I could gain through it, I also wanted to know more about BPA through a more detailed, inside perspective. So, I took my shot at it. 

      I don’t exactly have a grand reason for running for state office, but I know that when I made the choice to run for state office, I had reached a turning point in my life. I can’t thank the people around me enough for giving me this opportunity to grow alongside BPA.

      What has been your favorite BPA memory so far?

              My favorite BPA memory so far is probably the 2024 State Leadership Conference Opening Session. Something about it gave me the motivation to keep going and do my best with the roles I am given.

        What are you looking forward to the most as a BPA state officer?

                I am looking forward to planning the Fall Leadership Conference and State Leadership Conference. I feel like it will be a lot of fun to hear everyone’s ideas and bring the events to fruition!

          What do you like to do outside of BPA?

            Outside of BPA I am an active 4-H member, a 4-H club officer and I take music lessons such as vocal and piano in the winter. I also have some hobbies like baking/cooking, gardening, knitting, and anything that has to do with art. Although I already have a lot of hobbies, I want to get into machine sewing soon and hopefully make a couple dresses for the next school year!

            Who inspires you?

                    Definitely my Mom! She has been the biggest support and inspiration for me with every single thing that I have ever been involved in.

              Why is Careertech education important?

                      To me Careertech education is important because of the impact it has on its students. I personally have not been a student of a Careertech for that long, but the impact I have seen and felt through it has already made a big impression on me. Careertech is there for more than just its aspect of education, it also is there to be a supportful community for its students. It does not only lay out a foundation for each student to start their career on but gives you every chance available for you to thrive. That is why I think Careertech education is important.

                If you could describe yourself with one word, what would it be?

                  It would probably be “humble” since I have often been told that I tend to be modest when I describe my accomplishments.

                  Funniest BPA story?

                          I don’t have one yet, but I am excited to experience more things through BPA and hopefully have one to tell by next year!


                    Favorite show to binge watch?

                            The original Tom and Jerry cartoons.

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