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School: Northeast Technology Center – Afton

Advisor: Meredith Simmerly

1.  I joined BPA because my advisor was incredibly passionate about the organization and really projected that enthusiasm onto me. Recognizing my own shortcomings in leadership skills, public speaking, and general anxiety, I saw BPA as the perfect opportunity to push myself out of my comfort zone and improve in these areas.

2.  I decided to run for state office after being inspired by Thomas Branson at the state officer panel during FLC in Norman. His leadership and dedication resonated with me. My primary goal as a state officer is to increase member communication with the state officer team and address issues on a personal level. Initially, I was unsure about applying, but Nancy encouraged me by saying she would do it if I did, which gave me the final push I needed.

3.My favorite BPA memory so far is from the Oklahoma State Leadership Conference (SLC) where I was inducted into this role and made the pledge to serve our community.

4. As a state officer, I am most looking forward to the connections I will make, whether with members or outside sources. I am excited about the memories I will create with my team and the members of BPA. Most importantly, I am eager to fulfill the promises I made to the members of BPA and make a positive impact.

5. Outside of BPA, I am the captain of our high school baseball team, playing shortstop as the only senior. I also enjoy playing video games with my friends and trying to enjoy life as it presents itself.

6.  My grandfather, Clint, inspires me deeply. He drove my passion for CTSOs and opened me up to this world of opportunity. My father, Marty, has played a big role in inspiring me, he’s faced adversities that most cannot claim and emerged as a pillar in my life. Then there’s my mom, she’s the foundation of my moral principles, teaching me so much about the later stages of life. I couldn’t ask for a better group of role models.

7.  Career and Technical Education (CTE) equips students with practical skills and industry-specific training, enhancing their employability and career prospects. It offers a pathway to success aligned with students’ interests and strengths, while also supporting economic development by creating a skilled workforce to meet the needs of local and global industries.

8. If I could describe myself with one word, it would be “reserved.” While I can be diverse and adapt to various situations, I often tend to maintain a reserved demeanor, observing and reflecting before taking action.

9. During nationals in Chicago, my friends and I were in a voting delegate meeting. We were all super tired, and as a result, we were absolutely delirious afterward. We made silly jokes and laughed like we were comedians. Nationals was really the first time our team came together on our own, and it was truly amazing to see us collaborate and make lifelong friends.

10.  My favorite show to binge-watch is “The Office.”