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Chapter: Northeast Technology Center – Afton

Advisor: Meredith Simmerly

Why did you join BPA? 

At Northeast Tech, you automatically become a member when you’re a part of a business class. I decided to be as involved as I could be because BPA was everything I was searching for. I saw BPA as the perfect fit for me from the first day my advisor talked to us about it. I saw a way to really challenge myself to experience new things, and explore new opportunities. 

Why did you run for state office?

It’s actually a funny story. One day while I was sitting in class I overheard Dylan talking to our advisor about the application process. When I asked what they were talking about, I told Dylan I thought he’d be perfect for it. In return, he told me that he would run if I did, so I decided to explore that opportunity. I absolutely could not be more grateful. 

What has been your favorite BPA memory so far?

So far, my favorite BPA memory has to be CTU. I felt that the team bonded very well over those few days. We spent a lot of time communicating about our ideas for the future of Oklahoma BPA. Aside from the work, we spent a lot of time getting to know each other. I’m very pleased to be working with such amazing people. 

What are you looking forward to the most as a BPA state officer?

I’m most looking forward to watching our team thrive. We have some pretty amazing ideas between us, and I think we’re going to do some amazing things. I also look forward to watching Oklahoma BPA thrive, and meeting many of our awesome members. 

What do you like to do outside of BPA?

Outside of BPA, I really enjoy spending my time with family and friends. I love to cook and bake for them any chance I get. 

Who inspires you?

I’d have to say my mom inspires me. Through every hardship she has encountered, she has persevered, and found her way through it. She is the strongest person I know. I’ve always aspired to have her strength and willpower. She has worked very hard to support me through everything, and I appreciate her greatly. 

Why is CareerTech education important?

Careertech education is essential for equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge needed for successful careers, supporting economic development, and fostering a more skilled and adaptable workforce.

If you could describe yourself with one word, what would it be?

If I could describe myself with one word, it would be “dedicated.” When I find something I love, such as BPA, I make it my top priority. I put all my effort into all of my endeavors. 

Funniest BPA story?

I think so far my funniest BPA story has to be when we were at nationals. The team and I, and some other OKBPA members, were visiting with the National candidates, and we were so exhausted that we were delirious at the end. We sat there and giggled at the slightest thing. After the meeting was officially over, we started dancing around and cracking jokes. I really cherish this memory. 

Favorite show to binge watch?

Currently my favorite show to binge watch is Stranger Things. 

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