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Chapter: Central Technology Center – Drumright

Advisor: Raylene Kelley

Why did you join BPA?

          I first joined BPA because of my class at Central Tech, Business and Information Technology. During our first class everyone learned what BPA was about and by the end of the month we got to pay our membership dues and join. 

    Why did you run for state office?

            About a week before the deadline for officer applications my advisor at the time, Mrs. Frank, set the application down on my desk. At the time I was the new Parliamentary Procedures Team President in my chapter and a month into being a BPA member. Needless to say, I had no idea what was happening. When Mrs. Frank set the application down, she told me that I would be a great parliamentarian for BPA state office and that she would recommend me if I decided to apply for it. When she told me that, even though I did not feel like I would make the cut, I wanted to at least try for the position. 

      Although when I first joined BPA I thought it was the obvious choice because of the connection to my class and the support and experience I could gain through it, I also wanted to know more about BPA through a more detailed, inside perspective. So, I took my shot at it. 

      I don’t exactly have a grand reason for running for state office, but I know that when I made the choice to run for state office, I had reached a turning point in my life. I can’t thank the people around me enough for giving me this opportunity to grow alongside BPA.

      What has been your favorite BPA memory so far?

              My favorite BPA memory so far is probably the 2024 State Leadership Conference Opening Session. Something about it gave me the motivation to keep going and do my best with the roles I am given.

        What are you looking forward to the most as a BPA state officer?

                I am looking forward to planning the Fall Leadership Conference and State Leadership Conference. I feel like it will be a lot of fun to hear everyone’s ideas and bring the events to fruition!

          What do you like to do outside of BPA?

            Outside of BPA I am an active 4-H member, a 4-H club officer and I take music lessons such as vocal and piano in the winter. I also have some hobbies like baking/cooking, gardening, knitting, and anything that has to do with art. Although I already have a lot of hobbies, I want to get into machine sewing soon and hopefully make a couple dresses for the next school year!

            Who inspires you?

                    Definitely my Mom! She has been the biggest support and inspiration for me with every single thing that I have ever been involved in.

              Why is Careertech education important?

                      To me Careertech education is important because of the impact it has on its students. I personally have not been a student of a Careertech for that long, but the impact I have seen and felt through it has already made a big impression on me. Careertech is there for more than just its aspect of education, it also is there to be a supportful community for its students. It does not only lay out a foundation for each student to start their career on but gives you every chance available for you to thrive. That is why I think Careertech education is important.

                If you could describe yourself with one word, what would it be?

                  It would probably be “humble” since I have often been told that I tend to be modest when I describe my accomplishments.

                  Funniest BPA story?

                          I don’t have one yet, but I am excited to experience more things through BPA and hopefully have one to tell by next year!


                    Favorite show to binge watch?

                            The original Tom and Jerry cartoons.

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