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School: Piedmont High School

Advisor: Mitch Brinley

  1. I joined BPA for experience in the workforce and a place to make friends that were serious about business. 
  2. My advisor greatly encouraged me to run for state office, she saw something in me that I did not see, and pushed me outside of my comfort zones. Now I am so excited to be on the State council because I get to be a part of something greater than myself. 
  3. My favorite BPA memory is definitely campaigning for office, I got to meet so many members there, and I made friends with my fellow candidates. 
  4. I am looking forward to meet new members and learn more about how an organization like this is run. 
  5. Outside of BPA, I love camping, rock climbing, and serving at my church.
  6. My advisor inspires me because she is constantly inspiring those around her to be the best that can be. She encourages me to try my best, and pushes me to try new things. 
  7. Careertech education is important because it allows students to gain real, valuable experience that benefits them in both the long term, and the short term.
  8. Optimistic – word to describe myself
  9. After being elected, at officer training, we were doing a blind maze activity, and watching my team attempt it was definitely one of the funniest things that I have been apart of in BPA.
  10. Drive to Survive – binge show
Dylan CookSEC

Dylan Cook

markburchAugust 19, 2024

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