Deadline for nominations is February 7, 2024. 


To recognize an individual in each division (ML, S, and PS) who has made significant contributions to Oklahoma Business Professionals of America as a local chapter advisor.


Registered, local chapter advisors in good standing with Business Professionals of America. To be eligible for the Advisor of the Year award the nominator must submit the following information about the nominee:

  1. Nomination form (below)
  2. Summary of nominee’s supportive contributions to Oklahoma BPA
  3. Two letters of support for the nominee
    – One letter must be from an administrator or colleague
    – One letter must be from a current or former student

All nominations must be submitted on the official nomination form. Nominations must be submitted by a current active member or advisor. Nominations due February 7. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

It is the policy of Oklahoma Business Professionals of America that no person on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, or disability shall be discriminated against, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to, discrimination in any program or activity for which it is responsible.

Advisor of the Year

  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 32 MB.
      Please upload 2 recommendation letters preferably in PDF format. One letter must be from a current student member and one must be from an administrator.