Thank you for your interest in applying to be appointed to the open state officer position on the Oklahoma State Executive Council.

Current open position:  2020-2021 Historian/Chaplain (applications due:  July 24, 2020)

Please read through the entire candidate application packet and fill out all of the forms. We recognize that some of the information may not apply to the candidate due to being appointed by the state advisor rather than elected by the members.

What is different from the typical application process? 

  1. The main difference is that this position will be appointed by the state advisor rather than elected by the members Oklahoma BPA.
  2. Applicants will still need to fill out the entire application, including forms and a photo.
  3. The applicants who are selected to be candidates will take the BPA Knowledge Exam, go through an interview, and record a speech.
  4. The applicants who are selected to be candidates will not need to present any campaign materials or plan to campaign.
  5. Due to Covid-19 we will be accepting digital signatures on forms and will be conducting the interview process and the test virtually. Speeches will be recorded and sent in to Mrs. Cavin on the day of screening. Candidates will need access to a device with internet, video, and audio capabilities as they will be interviewing and testing online. Video will be REQUIRED to be on. 

Timeline for 2020-2021 Historian/Chaplain Appointment 

  • June 29, 2020 – Application Available
  • July 24, 2020 – Application Deadline to Submit
  • July 27, 2020 – Applicants notified if they qualified for screening
  • July 29, 2020 – Screening
  • July 31, 2020 – Appointment Announced via email and social media