BPA Online Testing

Many BPA competitive events have an objective test that serve as a pre-qualifying component in determining who will compete at State Leadership Conference. There are also several OPEN events that consist of an objective test only. All test must be administered by an approved testing liaison at your school during BPA online testing week.

Students will be required to have a Ticket to Test. Students should only have access to the test they are registered to take. All open tests require registration. The Ticket to Test should designate the appropriate test and whether or not reference materials are allowed. No reference materials are allowed with any open events.

In all tests listed as an “Open Event,” you may enter as many students as you like, and students can take as many of these tests as they would like. The open events do not count toward the event entry maximums.

Be sure to read each event guideline carefully. For all events, please verify the division, eligibility requirements, number of participants per school, and use of reference materials.

How do I know if an event has an objective online test?

The easiest way is to refer to competition documents (Events at a Glance and the OK WSAP guide)

When is BPA online testing?

BPA online testing opens: January 28, 2020 at 9:00 a.m.

BPA online testing closes: February 11, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.

How do I update our testing liaison?

Just simply complete the testing liaison form – this form will need to be filled out each school year to guarantee accuracy.

BPA Merit Scholar Test

To recognize individual members and advisors for their knowledge of Business Professionals of America and to motivate all members and advisors to learn as much as possible about the history, traditions, programs, and activities of the organization.

Any member in good standing with Business Professionals of America, including advisors, attending the National Leadership Conference may earn the BPA Merit Scholar award by achieving a minimum of 90% on an objective test (true/false and multiple choice questions). This general contest is not part of the competitive events program; the BPA Merit Scholar award is part of the BPA Cares program offered to members.

2019 Study Guide