Gordon Cooper TC Hosts Officer Instillation!
For Immediate Release
Contact Person: Jessica Utter
Phone: (405) 273-7493, ext 2260
E-mail: jessicau@gctech.edu
Gordon Cooper Technology Center
One John C. Bruton Blvd.
Shawnee, OK 74804
Gordon Cooper Technology Center Installs 2022-2023 BPA Officers
On Tuesday, September 20,2022 Gordon Cooper Technology Center Shawnee Campus installed the new 2022-2023 Business Professionals of America’s Officer Teams. AM Class Officers: President, Ethan Oller; Vice-Presidents, Marissa Crane and Hannah Hudson; Reporter, Jiliyan Spoon; Secretary, Chloe Fowler; Treasurers, Keenan Gerner and Walter Bias; Historians, Dakota Arms and Mia Hasbell PM Class Officers: President, Gage Leetka; Vice-President, Trel Meyers; Reporter, Zach Pardue; Secretary, Kyle Jordan; Treasurer, Kaylee Cousins
Guest Speakers County Commissioner Melissa Dennis and Shawnee Mayor Ed Bolt inspired the BPA members with motivational speeches on being a leader. Oklahoma State BPA Officers, State BPA President, Gavin Cooper, North Rock Creek, State Historian/Chaplin Carter Clark, Stratford High School and Middle Level Representative, Bradley Abney, Stratford Middle School were in attendance as well.
Business Professionals of America, Inc. (BPA) is the leading Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for students pursuing careers in business management, information technology, office administration, marketing and other related career fields. An intra-curricular national membership organization established in 1966, BPA is dedicated to developing and empowering student leaders to discover their passion and change the world by creating unmatched opportunities in learning, professional growth and service.
The organization serves secondary, post-secondary and middle level students and educators by offering programs based on national standards spanning five career pathways: Finance, Business Administration, Management Information Systems, Digital Communication & Design and Management, Marketing & Communication. For more information, visit: www.bpa.org.