BPA Headlines


The cheerful chatter of students who are mingling in the hallways and conference rooms with their fellow members, the joyful laughter of attendees as they listen to exciting motivational speakers, and the resounding roars of a cheering crowd of young leaders who are being empowered to become their best self.

This is what FLC sounds like.

Students dressed in conference blue with the word empower worn proudly on their shirts, a gleaming stage filled with lights that is occupied by speakers and state officers who are ready to inspire their members, and grand ballrooms filled to the brim with young enthusiastic leaders who are eager to take part in this spectacular event.

This is what FLC looks like.

The monumental excitement of those who look forward to using this conference to make a difference in the world, the gratitude of state officers who are thankful for the opportunity to serve, and the feelings of love that come from the knowledge that you are a member of not just an incredible organization, but a family.

This is what FLC feels like.

For many years the Oklahoma BPA/DECA Fall Leadership Conference has served as a life changing opportunity for young leaders to learn the skills that they need to become great future leaders, it has also served as a source of powerful inspiration for those who attend. FLC is an extraordinary event where you can walk in as an average student, and leave as leader.

FLC is an event where you can take action and gain the tools you need to create an outstanding future for yourself and others. At the 2018 Oklahoma BPA/DECA FLC I had the tremendous privilege of co-hosting the conference as the State Executive Vice-President of Oklahoma BPA. As a state officer I had the opportunity to speak in front of all of the members. As Vice-President of BPA I also had the opportunity to co-lead a breakout session with chapter leaders of BPA and DECA. Throughout this conference I worked to use my position to inspire others, and hopefully create more leaders. I could not believe how much I learned throughout that process.

At FLC I learned that my words and actions can be used to actively create ripples in the world, that will turn into waves of change. There were multiple members who stopped me to tell me that I had inspired them, and wanted to take pictures, for that I am forever grateful. I learned that you do not need to have a title to be a leader. I know this to be true because I met multiple members of BPA and DECA that had no title, but were still exceptional leaders. This leads me to understand that leadership is not created by a title, leadership is created by your actions, and what’s in your heart. I learned that all it takes to create an incredible success story is to believe in yourself, and have the willingness to work hard. I know this to be true because throughout this conference I witnessed a large group of members who took initiative to begin stepping up to the plate of leadership.

Finally I learned that there are few privileges greater than having the opportunity to serve an organization that has changed your life, and changes the lives of others everyday.

Jakob Lavicky

Vice President

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