Mason Miller

Moore Norman Technology Center
Local Advisors: Traci Hopper

Leadership Voice:  Connector 

Enneagram:  7

More about Mason 

What is your favorite BPA memory?
My favorite BPA memory would be back in October when I was fundraising for my school’s Chains of Love fundraiser. We got so many people involved and were able to raise over $4,000. It shattered a school record and earned us 1st place at FLC in donating for Chain’s of Love. By far one of my fondest memories.
What are three words to describe you:
Selfless, Understanding, and Motivated.
Why did you join BPA?
I joined BPA because Covid took away most of my ability to be involved in high school clubs and organizations. I wanted to try something new with the last year I had in highschool. I now realize how much BPA has changed me and I will always be grateful for it and the people involved in it.
What are your future career goals?
I’m currently attending a Programming & Software Development class at Moore Norman Technology Center and I will be attending the University of Oklahoma this Fall as a a computer science major. I plan on diving into the Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality field during my college career.

Duties: It shall be the duty of the Vice-Presidents to serve in any capacity as directed by the President; accept the responsibilities of the President as occasions may demand; assist in compiling and publishing the State Association Annual Report; serve as liaison between local members and the State Executive Council; contact each assigned local chapter at least once each month; and promote the general welfare of Business Professionals of America, Oklahoma Association.
