Welcome to the 2022-2023 Oklahoma BPA State Executive Council Interviewer Dashboard. Thank you for volunteering your time and being with us virtually this week.
There are two applicants for the parliamentarian position which is appointed. Each applicant’s information has been uploaded to their page, you can access it via the blue buttons below.
Each interviewer will have access to their own spreadsheet with a tab for each candidate. You can access this via the red button below with your last name on it. There is also a copy of sample questions available.
Each interview should last no longer than 10 minutes, the first one starting at 10:45 AM.
Interview process – Welcome the student, let them introduce themselves to you. Each interviewer may ask 1 question of their choosing, but you must ask the same question to each candidate. There is one question which will need to be asked in addition to the other questions, making it a total of four questions per candidate. That question is below in blue.
“If elected to the 2022-2023 state executive council how do you see yourself balancing family, work, school, and CTSO responsibilities while remaining positive and producing quality work? “
After the questions are asked and answered, the “script” reading this year will be a scripted moderating of the Zoom chat box. For each candidate, please ask them to serve as the moderator of a virtual session and ask them to “watch the chat” and let the audience know what is happening.
Example Set Up (this is not what the candidate will read):
Interviewer: We have now reached the cold reading portion of the interview. As you know this year has been largely filled with virtual meetings and our state officers are always trying to find ways to interact with meeting participants. One of the best ways to interact in a virtual setting is through the chat box, and great virtual meetings typically have a chat box moderator. We would like you to serve as the moderator and we will type comments into the chat for you to share with our group today. Hey team, what is something you love about Oklahoma BPA?
Each interviewer would then type their comment into the chat box, please use the same comment for each candidate.
Sample comments (you can also write your own):
“I love that Oklahoma BPA is all across our great state – from Kiamichi Technology Center to Goodwell High School we have over 330 chapters!”
“I love that we host competitions for every student. ICD-10 Coding and Extemporaneous Speech are my favorites.”
“I am always impressed by the way that our state executive council represents our membership.”
“I love attending state conference!”
Please plan to save your spreadsheets with your scores/notes and send to me via email paxton.cavin@careertech.ok.gov.