Setting Goals
Setting goals as a chapter is important. It will help everyone decide what your local chapter will accomplish and help guide you through the year. It also builds teamwork and strengthen your leadership skills.
Start by meeting with your team and deciding on your goals for the year. After planning your year, accountability is the key. Using SMART Goals is a good way to help with accountability.
SMART is an acronym to help you achieve goals.
S – “Specific” – Make sure to write clear, concise goals
M – “Measureable” – Make your goal measurable by having a way to track your progress.
A – “Achievable” – Make sure your goal is challenging, but attainable
R – “Relevant” – Make sure your goal is relevant to the overall team plan
T – “Timely” – Make sure your goals has a finish time that is reasonable
Hope these tips help you have a great year setting goals for your BPA Chapter.
-Jessie Ross, Oklahoma BPA Vice President