Adriel Lora’s Farewell.
Hello, Oklahoma BPA, I am Adriel Lora, one of your Vice-President’s of this great organization! I would like to start by saying I am truly thankful for everyone that has supported me through BPA. I am especially thankful to my two local advisors, Mrs. McClure, and Mrs. Lee.
They motivated me to run for State Office and pushed me out of my comfort zone. Thanks to their guidance I was able to expand my limits and experience so many new opportunities I would have missed. I am a better person today thanks to them. I am now a leader in my school.
I would also like to thank my State Advisor Mrs. Paxton, she has helped me on anything and everything. She is always available for a quick question or a text. I know I am always sending texts to her to ask questions! She is always so good to answer back and has lots of patience. She always sends us an email to thank us for the assignments we have finished.
My fellow team, we have grown so much from a team of strangers to a team of friends. I am thankful that we have each other to depend on. I will always remember the first day that we met and so many other great memories that we have made together over the past year. Just remember I will be there when all of you guys need me, this is not a goodbye this is a, see you soon!
Lastly, I want to thank my family especially my mom Nohemi Lora and my dad Celerino Lora for believing in me. They have always told me that in this world anything is possible it just takes time and passion. Thank you to them, because if it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be here today.
Last, but certainly not least, THANK YOU OKLAHOMA BPA MEMBERS! It is because of your support and belief in me that I was able to serve this year. Without all of you, serving on the Executive Council would not be possible!