Our Big Three – State Executive Council 2019-2020 Goals
Hi Oklahoma Business Professionals of America, it’s your State Vice President, Luke Hamilton, here to outline the three major goals we, as a state council, set for the upcoming year. We’re so excited for the year ahead of us.
This upcoming year, we want to increase the SEC’s involvement with members and the overall member awareness of the SEC.
These two goals are extremely important to everyone on the State Executive Council. To accomplish this, it is now very easy to schedule a visit from an SEC to your local chapter. Just go to bpaok.org, and under the SEC tab there is a chapter visit form. We also want to have a bigger social media presence, which we are already doing through the establishment of our official twitters. These official Twitter accounts are extremely useful for contacting any member of the State Executive Council with any queries, concerns, or comments regarding the state and/or happenings going on in Oklahoma BPA. We want information to be readily available on how to become a state officer, so we plan to have applications live at Fall Leadership Conference.
Our third main goal we have chosen to focus on is increasing mid level numbers.
Reaching out into the mid level is a major starting point for us to encourage kids to join and get kids involved in our great organization. We want to encourage high schools that already have BPA chapters to look into starting a mid level chapter. Whether it is a passionate member or advisor, we’d love to help start mid levels any way we can. Another way to focus on mid level recruitment is to have a mid level representative on the state executive council after the state officer elections at State Leadership Conference. Having a mid level representative on the SEC is a good way to establish representation from different aspects and views.
We’re really looking forward to the upcoming year and cannot wait to accomplish our goals!
-Luke Hamilton
Pauls Valley High School