Why members should complete the BPA National Student Certification Series (SCS)
“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.” William Arthur Ward
Across the country, BPA members are excitedly imagining, achieving, dreaming and completing the BPA National Student Certification Series (SCS). With its dynamic new design and self-paced format, lessons are very user-friendly and packed full of great information about your student organization. Series 101 focuses on “Getting to Know BPA,” Series 102 explains the Torch Awards Program, Series 103 takes a solid look at the many chapter and individual recognition awards available through the “BPA Cares Program,” followed by something near and dear to my heart, “Competitive Events.” The final two lessons in the series focus on “Managing Chapter Finances and Fundraising,” and “Making the Most of Your Conference Experiences.” Whether you are a brand new member or a seasoned veteran to the organization, the National Officers have worked hard to provide information important to you and your chapter’s success this year!
Members that complete the entire series by December 13 will gain access to a digital certificate they can print and share for FREE! Additionally, certified members will be recognized at the National Leadership Conference with both a special ribbon and a pin signifying their accomplishment.
For more details regarding the series and how to get started, simply click https://bpa.org/students/student-certifications.
-Tate Crauthers
Oklahoma BPA State Parliamentarian