BPA Headlines


Fall Leadership Conference 2020 was an experience like no other! We had over 1000 Oklahoma BPA and DECA students register for our first ever virtual Fall Leadership Conference. My favorite experience at FLC was hosting the Zoomin with engagement workshop. We worked hard on the workshop and our efforts paid off with a successful workshop.


At FLC we discovered the five voices, My leadership voice is creative and I utilize my voice to improve my leadership performance. Creatives are the ones who usually have the ideas but struggle to communicate them to the team. I like to have a vision for the end result when I’m working on a project and communicate the vision to my team. We all can use our voice to be better leaders, knowing our strengths and weaknesses helps when we work as a team.


FLC would’ve not been possible without the help we got and I would like to thank Team Tri and Factor 110 for their help and their work leading up to FLC, they made FLC a success. Next thank you advisors for being flexible and adapting to this year. Lastly I want to thank the members for being involved with BPA through this year.

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