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How do you get members excited about SLC 2021?


I’ve asked myself this question when talking to members in my local chapter. With this school year having many ups, and downs members might not feel the same excitement about SLC as you do. So here are some ways to liven the air!


  1. Make your own countdown to SLC within your chapter

  2. Send out weekly reminders about competition

  3. Ask members if they’ve done any torch awards

  4.  At your membership meetings ask what what each member is competing in at SLC

  5. Play some trivia about past SLC (that will excite your returning members too)

  6. Help other members with their competitions, practice and give constructive criticism

  7. Ask some returning members to share their experiences at previous SLC’s so your new members get an insight of roughly what to expect

  8.  Share some photos of and SLC you’ve been to

  9. Schedule a chapter visit from any of the State officers and we would be happy to share our SLC experience

  10. Remind them about the cool new things that’s going to happen during SLC! Guest speakers, SEC campaigning, and more!


Just a few things to help excite your membership!


Karson Brown

State Historian/Chaplain”

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