BPA Headlines


My BPA story starts when I entered high school my freshman year. My business teacher and local BPA chapter advisor, Mrs. Nielson, invited my class to join BPA. I did not join, because I was nervous, shy, and felt out of place. The next year, I wanted to join, but didn’t find the courage to ask to, so I watched the chapter having fun, and felt sad that I was not able to join in. My junior year, I joined BPA in Central tech, because I was taking the Business and Information Technology class there. We had fun, and I competed at state, even making it to nationals with my team.

My tech advisor, Mrs. Frank, asked me to run for state office. I took her up on that, not wanting to miss out on things anymore. I got chosen for the parliamentarian position, much to my own surprise, and joined the State Executive Council. This year, I did not go to Central tech, instead joining my local BPA chapter. Even though our local BPA chapter is smaller, I find myself enjoying BPA a lot more, since I know all the people here, and am friends with most of them. It’s been a blast being able to have fun with my friends through BPA and all the activities we do as a chapter. We volunteered for our chain of love, read books to elementary kids, and I’ve been trying to take advantage of all the opportunities I have at my reach, not wanting to repeat my past mistakes. BPA has really helped me to realize that if I want positive change, it’s something that I have to work towards myself. It’s a bit sad to know that I won’t be able to be in my local chapter again next year.

-Logan Mullins

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